My published articles appear in AppleSeeds, FACES, Odyssey, the SCBWI Bulletin and regional Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators newsletters.

AppleSeeds - Let's Get Animated
“Tokyo Television Can Be Good Enough to Eat”
“Tokyo Television Can Be Good Enough to Eat”
What if you turned on your TV and saw a cartoon about a round-faced flying superhero with a head made of bread dough named Bean Paste Bread Man? Believe it or not, this is a real cartoon in Japan with millions of fans. It’s called “Go! Anpanman.”

AppleSeeds - Let's Eat
“Noodles That Changed the World”
“Noodles That Changed the World”
If you had to name the most important invention to come from Japan, what would you say? Pokemon? Hello Kitty? Did you know that the Japanese believe that, above everything else, their single best invention over the last 100 years is instant ramen? It’s true!

AppleSeeds - Robots
“Japan’s Amazing Robot Kingdom”
“Japan’s Amazing Robot Kingdom”
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have a robot as your best friend? If you lived in Japan, it could really happen.

FACES - South Korea
e-pals contributor
e-pals contributor

SCBWI Bulletin - Nov/DEC 2009
"Korea's City of Books: A Publishing Culture Community"
"Korea's City of Books: A Publishing Culture Community"